You have no items in your shopping cart.
Dear Issa,
Our credit card system do not support at our platform, we can only collect your payment via this page.
We already have your order record and shipping address on our website. Let me double confirm your city, state and postage code again.
Dubai, Dubai 2550
Your payment will charged with MYR currency. Below is the latest screen shot currency. You may also check the rate here.
We understanding that your bank may charged additional fees for your purchase currency to MYR currency. Therefor, we will give additional 5% discount for this order.
The calculation will be $ 1106 - 5% = $ 1050.70
Please follow instruction below to make payment for your order.
1. Your Contact Information
Please fill Your Contact information Name, Email and Mobile Number when you make payment.
2. Additional Information
Please ignore this step even you have any message to us. This note can only view by our merchant, please do send us your note via email.
3. Make Payment ( Credit / Debit Card )
We currently accept Visa / MasterCard by the moment. Please key in Correct Card Holder Name, Credit / Debit Card Number, Select your card expire date (Month and Year) and Credit Card / Debit Card CVV Number at the back.
You may check the currency screen shot at payment page. Please make payment by click the image below.
After clicking Pay RM 2848.20, you may be shown a screen from your card provider, asking you to either set up or enter a password for your card. This is called 'SecureCode' (Mastercard) or 'Verified By Visa' (Visa). Enter your details or else contact your card provider if you are unsure - for security reasons, we are unable to help with this part of the process.
If your payment details have been entered correctly and the card issuer has authorized the charge, your order will be finalized and you will be shown an order confirmation.